Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Here we go!

And it is Tuesday! I started back up the diet today (yeah, yesterday just didn't work out.)

I went back up, I am at 342.

I suspect with the craziness that is this week at work, I might lose weight fast. I have 3 straight 12 hour days, and they are gonna be non-stop.

I'm hungry right now...so it's time to go eat.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Meanwile, back at the ranch...

So, its the wee hours of Sunday morning. My future husband (Jason Mraz) is singing in SNL.

As my last blog stated, I failed. I was close to the break anyways, so I have decided to start a new cycle on Monday.

I was pleased with the results I was getting. This is a lot like a rubber band. I keep pulling, and it keeps going down. But as soon as I let go, it snaps right back up. I need to keep pulling and keep pulling until it breaks...breaks free of my old eating habits and lifestyle.