Friday, January 30, 2009

Fail Blog

No, I don't think I have failed at the blog. But I have failed at the diet.

I was so close to the finish of this first go-around...and crash and burn.

I am afraid to weigh myself. I'm not gonna make excuses...

I'm just gonna go eat food that is bad for me.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The beat goes on...

Yesterday was kindof a cheat day. Ok, so it really was a full cheat day. I was stuck in the house and not working because of the foul weather, and I didn't feel like eating fresh veggies all day. Yes - nothing but fresh veggies.

When I did eat, I ate in moderation. And I stayed away from the sweets.

For breakfast, I had 6 or 7 of those sausage balls.
For lunch, egg salad.
For dinner, a small steak.

This morning, I weighed in at exactly the same thing as yesterday. I guess it is to be expected. It is kindof nice to know that I can have a normal day of food and maintain a weight. That's what I will hopefully do when I finish losing.

Today, I am back to work, and back to the diet. Day 9. I am ahead of schedule, but I don't wanna slow down. I am so excited for Sunday though! Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday are my "off" days. I am not gonna go crazy, but I will be happy to eat what I want!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Current Status

Well, today is January 28, 2009. 

This is my 8th day of the diet.

I am cheating today, because the menu is all veggies and pinto beans, and I am stuck inside due to the weather. Lunch consisted of about 6 of those sausage bal things...yanno the ones made with cheese and Bisquick.

I weighed myself this morning, and I am down to 334. That is 11lbs in 8 days. BMI is 38.6, and I am so happy! Tomorrow's weigh in might not be so great, but I am ahead of schedule!

Let me catch you up to speed...

I think it would be prudent to fill you in on the past few days, and also some basic information about me.

I am not losing the weight to be attractive to you or anyone else. I am losing it for my health. I am borderline hypertensive, I have slight spinal osteoarthritis, and I am lined up perfectly to be a diabetic. Woot.

I am 6'6" tall. The heaviest I have ever been is 360lbs. That was a BMI of 41.6, which is "Morbidly Obese". Consult the following chart:

On January 20, 2009, I started the diet. I was 345lbs, and my BMI was 39.9. An improvement, yes, but not nearly enough.

I was fairly faithful to my diet since then. Sunday I traveled to meet friends in Louisville, so I did cheat then. But when and what I did eat, I ate in extreme moderation. That seems to be my pattern right now. If I do cheat, I do it very tiny.

For Example: Yesterday at work, I saw a box of oreos. Oh my, how I wanted one. Definately not on my diet, but I wanted one. So what did I do?

I ate one.

Just one...I ate it slowly, and enjoyed the taste of it. And I was satisfied!

Next blog: current status!

The opener....

I have had blogs fact, I think I had a blog on here before. It never really went anywhere, I guess because I had no purpose.

Now, with purpose...

Welcome to "The Incredible Shrinking Man"!

The main purpose of this blog will be about my diet. Y'all can follow my progress, give me encouragement, and this will serve as a food journal/accountability thing.

I am on "The Idiot Proof Diet". A guy at church and the minister of music are (or were) both on it, with amazing results. You are "on" for 11 days, and "off" for 3 days. Supposedly, you should lose "Nine pounds in eleven days!" The food is pretty good...I picked what to eat, they tell me when to eat it.

More to come...stay tuned!